Classes listed in the section “Classes” (located above) are all current for 2017. If you would like further information or confirmation when your chosen class re starts, or any general questions, please feel free to inquire I will be happy to help.
Classes re-start from 4th January….
Classes include a period of Meditation and Quietude, enhancing the health value of your chosen class.
Note: All class venues have disability access.
Look forward to seeing you soon, happy training and a stress free 2017.
Don’t forget to visit the section: “Find out more about how others are benefiting from lessons” (located to the right of this page)
I am really interested in learning tia chi . I live in padgate warrington I am retired so any class. Time available. .thanks Margaret clare
Thank you for you enquiry….
Your nearest class is at Ryfield Village, Orford, Fridays starting at 10am
Your next nearest class is at Stockton Health (St Thomas Church Hall) Thursdays starting at 11am
However if you prefer an evening class I currently have several -ie Tuesdays at Loushers Lane Church Hall,
For a full list of class times, venues ect visit my web site and look for CLASSES near top of your screen.
Please feel free to contact me again if you would like more details, or come along to Ryfield stomorrow
morning before the class starts for a chat, also welcome to join in.
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