Dayan Qigong Wild GooseWild Goose

Dayan Qigong is a practice which dates back over 1,000 years to Ancient China. Once practiced by the Taoist Qigong monks of the Kunlun mountains (Western China, above Tibet). The monks observed the movements of the wild geese that lived there and combined these movements with their knowledge of traditional Chinese Medicine to form a healthy exercise routine. They passed this knowledge of the Wild Goose Qigong down from generation to generation.

Movements of Wild Goose Qigong assimilate ancient Dao-Yin methods of practice while imitating the postures and actions of the wild goose, movements of which are both vigorous and gentle. Active movement is alternated with stillness, where beautiful postures are performed with graceful ease. The aims of Wild Goose Qigong is to cleanse the meridians and channels, improve blood flow, draw in, release and circulate Chi (Qi) and promotes strong self healing, health, fitness and well being.

Wild Goose Qigong contains many different and varied practice routines which combine movement with static exercises and meditations.